H3K4me3 breadth is linked to cell identity and transcriptional consistency. uri icon


  • Benayoun, Bérénice A
  • Mancini, Elena
  • Hitz, Benjamin C
  • Gupta, Rakhi
  • Thomas A. Rando, MD, PhD
  • Baker, Julie C
  • Snyder, Michael P
  • Cherry, J Michael
  • Brunet, Anne
  • Pollina, Elizabeth A
  • Ucar, Duygu
  • Mahmoudi, Salah
  • Karra, Kalpana
  • Wong, Edith D
  • Devarajan, Keerthana
  • Daugherty, Aaron C
  • Kundaje, Anshul B

publication date

  • January 1, 2014

published in