Association of sex hormones with sexual function, vitality, and physical function of symptomatic older men with low testosterone levels at baseline in the testosterone trials. uri icon


  • Cunningham, Glenn R
  • Cella, David
  • Barrett-Connor, Elizabeth
  • Cauley, Jane A
  • Cifelli, Denise
  • Crandall, Jill P
  • Ensrud, Kristine E
  • Fluharty, Laura
  • Thomas M. Gill, MD
  • Lewis, Cora E
  • Pahor, Marco
  • Stephens-Shields, Alisa J
  • Resnick, Susan M
  • Storer, Thomas W
  • Swerdloff, Ronald S
  • Anton, Stephen
  • Basaria, Shehzad
  • Diem, Susan
  • Tabatabaie, Vafa
  • Hou, Xiaoling
  • Snyder, Peter J
  • Rosen, Raymond C
  • Wang, Christina
  • Ellenberg, Susan S
  • Matsumoto, Alvin M
  • Bhasin, Shalender
  • Molitch, Mark E
  • Farrar, John T

publication date

  • January 1, 2014