Bivariate genome-wide association meta-analysis of pediatric musculoskeletal traits reveals pleiotropic effects at the SREBF1/TOM1L2 locus. uri icon


  • Medina-Gomez, Carolina
  • Bisgaard, Hans
  • Evangelou, Evangelos
  • Heppe, Denise H M
  • Bonewald, Lynda F
  • Gorski, Jeffrey P
  • Ghanbari, Mohsen
  • Demissie, Serkalem
  • Gustavo Duque, MD, PhD, FRACP, FGSA
  • Maurano, Matthew T
  • Douglas P. Kiel, MD, MPH
  • Kemp, John P
  • Hsu, Yi-Hsiang
  • C J van der Eerden, Bram
  • Ackert-Bicknell, Cheryl
  • Reppe, Sjur
  • Gautvik, Kaare M
  • Raastad, Truls
  • Karasik, David
  • van de Peppel, Jeroen
  • Jaddoe, Vincent W V
  • Uitterlinden, André G
  • Dimou, Niki L
  • Tobias, Jonathan H
  • Grant, Struan F A
  • Bagos, Pantelis G
  • Evans, David M
  • Rivadeneira, Fernando
  • Kreiner, Eskil
  • Chesi, Alessandra
  • Zemel, Babette S
  • Bønnelykke, Klaus
  • Boer, Cindy G
  • Ahluwalia, Tarunveer S

publication date

  • January 1, 2017