Preclinical and translational models for delirium: Recommendations for future research from the NIDUS delirium network. uri icon


  • Vasunilashorn, Sarinnapha M
  • Dugan, Laura
  • Joseph Hippensteel, MD MS
  • Ishizawa, Yumiko
  • Lahiri, Shouri
  • Marcantonio, Edward R
  • Xie, Zhongcong
  • Inouye, Sharon K
  • Terrando, Niccolò
  • Eckenhoff, Roderic G
  • Lunardi, Nadia
  • John Newman, MD, PhD
  • Crosby, Gregory
  • Leah Acker
  • Abel, Ted
  • Bhatnagar, Seema
  • Cunningham, Colm
  • de Cabo, Rafael

publication date

  • January 1, 2023