Harnessing diversity to study Alzheimer's disease: A new iPSC resource from the NIH CARD and ADNI. uri icon


  • Screven, Laurel A
  • Faber, Kelley
  • Nho, Kwangsik
  • Saykin, Andrew J
  • Foroud, Tatiana M
  • Nalls, Mike A
  • Blauwendraat, Cornelis
  • Singleton, Andrew
  • Narayan, Priyanka S
  • Pantazis, Caroline B
  • Andersh, Katherine M
  • Hong, Samantha
  • Vitale, Dan
  • Lara, Erika
  • Ku, Ray Yueh
  • Heutink, Peter
  • Meyer, Jason

publication date

  • February 21, 2024

published in