Administrative Core Funded Grant uri icon


  • PROJECT ABSTRACT Administrative Core The Administrative Core will support all LAUNCH Program activities to fulfill its recruitment, outreach, professional development, networking, and training missions. Our Program will span four different institutions and include the basic, translational, and clinical sciences. A Steering and Executive Committee will be established and will provide oversight of the Program and each of the individual cores. The LAUNCH Executive Committee members include the U2C PI’s (Drs. Elaine Ku, Marshall Stoller, and Kathleen Sakamoto) as well as the TL1 PI’s (Drs. Chi-yuan Hsu, Mark Walters, and Philip Beachy). The Steering Committee will include members of the Executive Committee and Co-Leads of each of the U2C and TL1 Cores as well as TL1 Associated Site Leads. We have carefully assembled a leadership team to reflect a balanced representation of nephrology, non-malignant urology and non-malignant hematology and included members in our leadership who have expertise in both adult and pediatric areas of investigation as well as basic, translational, and clinical science expertise. Although our proposed LAUNCH Program will span multiple campuses and institutions, the leadership team has extensive experience in inter-institutional training program management and research. The goal of our Administrative Core is to provide managerial and fiscal oversight for the LAUNCH Program and to promote effective collaboration. The Administrative Core will also work to routinely capture trainee and mentor feedback to drive improvements in the quality of the activities that are available within the LAUNCH Program and ensure the success of our trainees and our program. The Administrative Core will be led by Dr. Alison Huang at UCSF and Dr. Jodi Westropp at UC Davis who have long-standing experience in research training program administration and who are both established investigators with significant expertise in the training and mentorship of pre- and post-doctoral individuals.

date/time interval

  • 2023 - 2028