Epigenetic Reprogramming of Cellular Age Funded Grant uri icon


  • PROJECT SUMMARY Current ideas that systemic factors regulate the aging of cells and tissues, in terms of both promoting and reversing the aging process, have emerged from studies of heterochronic parabiosis (HP) and heterochronic blood exchange (HBE) protocols. Our lab performed the first HP studies in order to assess cellular aging and rejuvenation as it relates to tissue homeostasis and repair and in terms of molecular determinants of cellular age. Initially, we focused changes in muscle stem cells (MuSCs), but we and others later explored these phenotypic changes in many different cell populations. Since then, we have explored the molecular mechanisms by which systemic factors might influence the aging process. Based on numerous lines of evidence, we have hypothesized that the alteration in cellular aging features is due to a form of epigenetic reprogramming that is akin to that which occurs during induced pluripotent stem cell generation but without the loss of cellular differentiation. A general feature of cellular aging is the loss of heterochromatin and subsequent dysregulation of transcriptional stability. Heterochromatin is prominently associated with specific histone modifications, most notably by di- and tri-methylation of lysine 9 on histone 3 (H3K9me2 and H3K9me3, respectively). In Preliminary Studies, we have shown the H3K9me3 and heterochromatin can be regulated in MuSCs, with loss of both leading to features seen in aging cells. Based on these data and related published findings, the primary hypothesis of this proposal is that a primary mediator of HP and HBE transposition of aging phenotypes to young and old cells is the regulation of the cellular epigenome, and with a specific focus on H3K9 methylation and heterochromatin formation. To test this hypothesis, this proposal is divided into three Specific Aims. Aim 1: To assess the transcriptional and epigenetic signature of MuSCs in response to HP. We will establish HP and control pairs, and we will assess the MuSC molecular signatures compared to control mice in assays of the transcriptome and the epigenome. Aim 2: To examine the epigenetic mechanisms underlying the transposition of aging phenotypes in MuSCs. Using genetic and pharmacologic tools, we will modulate H3K9 methylation in young and old MuSCs exposed to young or old serum in vitro. We will test for the effect of changes in H3K9 methylation on the phenotypic changes of MuSCs previously described in response to heterochronic serum exposure. Aim 3: To test in vivo for the essential roles of H3K9 methyltransferase and demethylase activities in mediating the effects of HP on MuSCs. We will use genetic and pharmacologic tools to modulate H3K9 methylation in MuSCs in vivo. We will assess epigenetic and heterochromatin status, as well as the functional changes in MuSCs in response to HP. Together, these studies will elucidate molecular mechanisms of epigenetic programming of age in response to HP and HBE.

date/time interval

  • 2021 - 2026