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Publications in VIVO

Felipe A. Jain, MD

Director of Healthy Aging Studies



  • Boston, MA  02114

    United States

I study virtual, smartphone and in-person delivery of psychotherapy to aging adults with a particular emphasis on family dementia caregivers.  Recent work has focused on 4-week Mentalizing Imagery Therapy (MIT), which teaches mindfulness and guided imagery practices that facilitate understanding of self and others.  Results in caregivers have included reductions in depression and anxiety, and increases in well-being and happiness.  My work has been the first to identify a replicable brain biomarker of improvement in depression in caregivers: connectivity increase between dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and emotion regulation regions.  Current projects include delivering MIT skills via smartphone supported by virtual groups to English and Spanish language caregivers, and estimating behavioral and mood changes using passive smartphone and wearable sensors (digital phenotyping).

Clinical Disciplines

Beeson awardee